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  • Kategorier: Brake LIght Pro clear
  • Kategorier: Secondary throttle valve eliminator clear
STV Eliminator - Secondary throttle valve eliminator
Secondary Throttle Valve Eliminator module (STVE) [Sekundær gassventileliminator]
Eliminate the FI light coming on when removing the secondary throttle valve (and disconnecting the actuator motor) from your motorcycle. 
If the actuator motor fails (frequent issue on some bike models) it is much cheaper to replace it with the STVE than getting a new motor. Get your fix today!
Available for Kawasaki and Suzuki bikes.
Brake Light pro - Programmable brake light flasher module
The smallest brake light flasher module on the market just for your own safety. Car drivers are prone of crashing into a bike stopping for traffic lights or pedestrian crossings. A ‘sorry mate, haven’t seen you’ won’t get you and your bike back on the road and even serious accident could occur just because of a careless driver.
Now we got your back with this tiny module! ‘Wakes up’ drivers behind you – no more tailgating! Easy to fit and operate, you can choose from 11 (+ bypass) flash patterns and won’t waste any space on your bike – it’s just so tiny. Get protected today!